Quezty's Quest

Explore the Witte Museum to find these amazing artifacts. Be sure to search the entire campus, starting in the Susan Naylor Center. The images of the museum next to the questions are clues for where you’ll find the answers.

Order of the Alamo Crown Jewels

Ancient Turtle Shell

Petrified Palmwood

“Ollie” the Ocelot

Prairie Dogs

Eastern Spotted Skunk

Agave Knife

Rabbit Net

Twining, Twilling and Coiling

Shaman’s Kit

Presidial Soldier’s Sword

Sam Houston’s Sash

Staffordshire Texian Campaign Ware Dishes

Folsom Point

The Heart

Archimedes Screw

Great job completing Quetzy’s Quest! Reward yourself with a paleta at the Tremblay Family CafĂ©.